Easter at Crossroads

Join us this Easter as we explore the profound reality of being 'Made New' in Christ. The resurrection is not just an event to commemorate but a transformative power that reshapes our lives. In a world that often leaves us weary and burdened, Easter brings the promise of renewal, victory, and a fresh start. Discover the joy of being made new in the light of the risen Savior. This Easter, let's embrace the formidable grace that turns mourning into dancing, sorrow into joy, and the old into the beautifully redeemed new. Don't miss this celebration of resurrection and renewal – a journey from the old to the wonderfully made new!

  • Stations of the cross + prayer vigil

    Friday, March 29 • 7:00am-6:30pm

    @ Westbrook Christian Church

    Stations of the Cross provides each person with a personal, intimate space to experience Holy Friday. Here, you will be encouraged to reflect on Jesus' final hours before his death. Doors will be open all day, and you may take as much time needed for prayer and reflection. For a full experience, consider blocking out at least 30 minutes anytime on Good Friday for this self-guided prayer experience.


    Friday, March 29 • 9:00am-6:30pm

    @ Westbrook Christian Church

    Similar to the Stations of the Cross, follow the journey of Jesus through story and hands-on activities for all ages which encourages our children to experience what Christ did for all people. Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors.

    For a full experience, consider blocking out at least 20 minutes to walk through the activities with your children.Follow the journey of Jesus through story and hands-on activities for all ages which encourages our children to experience what Christ did for all people. Make sure to invite your friends and neighbors.

  • good friday service

    Friday, March 29 • 7pm

    Easter is more fully understood & celebrated when the entirety of its context is considered. Good Friday, or Holy Friday, is a time for the church to lament; it is a time to captivate the long weekend when death temporarily won. Our Good Friday service will challenge us to mindfully enter a grieving space. To wholly celebrate Easter, we will first experience the lamenting service on Good Friday.

  • easter sunday services

    Sunday, March 31

    Easter Service (CK) 8:30AM

    Easter Service (CK) 10:00AM

    Easter Service (CK) 11:30AM

    Bilingual Easter Service with Gente Unida (CK) 10:00AM

    (CK) indicates Crossroads Kids takes place during service.