Christmas Offering 2023

Even though God is moving in mighty ways at Crossroads, there is more impacting ministry that needs to be done. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of these exciting initiatives! 

The 2023 Christmas Offering will be received during the regular Sunday morning services on December 17th and 24th.


2024 Ministry Initiatives

General Offering:

Our weekly need at Crossroads is $27,500. These offerings provide for our facility, staff, ministry obligations and regular monthly mission support. Our weekly need over these two weeks is $55,000.

Mosaic Vision Church Planting:

Unless you are very new to the Crossroads/Westbrook community then you know that we have been working toward the fulfillment of a long term vision to plant Mosaic Congregations in every country and among every people that is represented at our church. To date, there are 32 nations represented in our church. Not only have we started Multi-Ethnic Mosaic congregations locally (think Gente Unida Westbrook and Joliet), but we also have a campus ministry presence in Germany as well as new congregations in Mexico, Panama and the Dominican Republic. On the short list for 2024 (to be Lord willing funded by our 2023 Christmas offerings) are churches possibly in Ghana and Columbia, or in places where these people are. For sure, we will go where the Lord opens doors of opportunities, but these countries are on our radar. Keep your ears and eyes attuned to incredible updates on the Lord’s work!

Emergency Relief / International Aid:

Natural disasters are a regular part of the life of our world. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis and the like are wrecking locations and displacing people across the country and globe. Westbrook wants to be at the ready to serve and provide financial relief when these occur. Your involvement from a financial perspective can allow Westbrook to immediately be a blessing to those in need.

Community Outreach Proposals:

Lord willing, our Christmas offering funds will serve as a catalyst for transformative community outreach initiatives. Your generous contributions will enable us to organize and support programs that directly address the needs of our local community, fostering connection, compassion, and positive change during this festive time of year.

Debt Reduction:

Like so many, regular care of our debt load is a constant strain for us at Crossroads. Any gifts above our stated goal will go directly to pay down our current indebtedness. Crossroads looks with anticipation to the day when we will be debt free, which will free up monies to do significant and meaningful ministry to our community and our world.


Thank you for your generosity in 2022 that allowed us to meet these special ministry initiatives

  • La Paz Church Plant:

    Over the past year, your financial contributions to support the church plant in La Paz, Mexico have had a profound impact on the local community. Your generosity has facilitated the growth of a vibrant spiritual community, providing a place of worship, support, and outreach. Through your contributions, lives have been positively transformed, fostering a sense of unity, hope, and compassion in La Paz.

  • Tech/Facility Upgrades:

    This year’s Christmas offering funds were instrumental in bringing cutting edge changes to our community space. With your generous contributions, we were able to invest in much-needed tech upgrades, enhancing our ability to connect and engage with our congregation and the wider community. Additionally, these funds were utilized for facility enhancements, creating a warm and welcomingenvironment that cultivates fellowship and spiritual growth. Your support has played a crucial role in elevating our capabilities and providing a more enriching experience for all who gather here.

  • Local Church Care:

    This fall, our Christmas offering funds went beyond our immediate community as we extended a helping hand to Messiah Lutheran Church in their crucial church fundraising efforts. Your generosity enabled us to support their initiatives, contributing to the growth and sustainability of their spiritual community. Your impact has reached far beyond our walls, promoting a spirit of unity and shared purpose within the broader tapestry of faith.

  • Global Church Planting Assist:

    As in years past, Christmas offering funds transcended borders and played a pivotal role in making a significant impact on global church planting efforts. Your generous contributions have directly fueled initiatives to establish and support new faith communities around the world, bringing hope and spiritual guidance to diverse regions. Through your support, we are collectively sowing seeds of faith, furthering unity, and positively influencing communities on a global scale.

  • Extra Mile Mentality:

    2022 Christmas offering funds served as a powerful catalyst for inspiring our congregation to go the ‘Extra Mile’ in spreading joy and blessings within our community. Using these funds as a starter gift, we initiated a challenge that encouraged individuals to extend their generosity and compassion to those in need. The impact has been profound, creating a ripple effect of kindness and goodwill as our congregation enthusiastically embraced the call to make a lasting difference in the lives of those around us.

  • Student Mission Trips:

    Lastly, Christmas offering funds were dedicated to blessing and supporting several young students embarking on mission trips. Your over and above our general offering need gifts enabled us to provide financial assistance for travel expenses, ensuring these students could actively participate in missions, spreading goodwill and making a positive impact in the communities they served. Your contributions have directly empowered the next generation to engage in meaningful service and ministry.

Christmas Offering 2023 Goal: $75,000

Our goal of $75,000 is the total combined offerings from the weekend services of December 17 and 24.
Our general weekend offering need and the special ministry initiatives are blended together in this overall goal.